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Ephesians 4

Walk in Unity
Spiritual Gifts, The New Man
Do Not Grieve the Spirit
Orden de Palabras:
1 I, therefore, the ________________ of the ________,
______________ you to ________
____________ of the calling with which you were _____________,
2 with all __________________
and _____________________,
with ___________________________,
______________ with one another in ________,
3 ______________________
to ________ the __________ of the Spirit
in the _________ of __________.
4 There is one __________ and one _____________,
just as you were called in one ________ of your ______________;
5 ______ Lord, one __________,
one ______________;
6 one ______ and ____________ of all,
who is __________ all, and ______________ all, and in you all.
7 But to _________ one of us ___________ was given
according to the ________________ of Christ’s ________.
8 Therefore He says: “When He ________________ on high,
He led ___________________ _______________,
And ________ gifts to ______.”
9 (Now this, “He ascended”—what does it ________ but that He also __________
into the __________ parts of the __________?
10 He who __________________ is also the One
who ______________
far above all the _______________,
that He might ________ ______ things.)
11 And He Himself gave some to be ________________,
some ________________,
some ________________________,
and some _______________ and _______________,
12 for the ________________
of the ____________ for the ________
of _________________, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
13 till we all come to the __________ of the __________
and of the __________________
of the ______ of ______,
to a ________________ man,
to the measure of the ______________ of the ________________ of Christ;
14 that we should ____ longer be ________________,
____________ to and fro and ______________ about
with every ________ of ________________,
by the ________________ of men, in the ______________
of deceitful ________________,
15 but, ________________ the __________
in ________, may ________ up in all things
into Him who is the ________—____________—
16 from whom the ________ body, ____________
and ________ together by what every __________
according to the __________________ working by which every ________ does
its __________, causes growth of the body for the ________________ of itself in love.
17 This I say, therefore, and ______________ in the _________,
that you should no longer ________ as the rest of the ________________ walk,
in the ________________ of their ________,
18 having their __________________________
________________, being __________________
from the ________ of God, because of the __________________ that is in them,
because of the __________________ of their __________;
19 who, being past ________________, have given themselves over to ________________,
to work all uncleanness with ____________________.
20 But you have not so ______________ Christ,
21 if indeed you have ___________ Him and have been _____________ by Him,
as the __________ is in __________:
22 that you ______ off, concerning your former ______________,
the ______ man which grows _____________
according to the __________________ __________,
23 and be ______________ in the spirit of your ________,
24 and that you put on the ______ man which was ______________ according to God,
in ________ __________________________
and ________________.
25 Therefore, putting away __________, “Let each one of you __________
__________ with his ________________,”
for we are ________________ of one another.
26 “Be __________, and do not ______”:
do not let the ______ go down on your __________,
27 nor give __________ to the __________.
28 Let him who __________ __________ no longer,
but rather let him __________,
______________ with his hands what is _________,
that he may have __________________ to give him who has ________.
29 Let no corrupt ________ proceed out of your __________,
but what is good for __________________
that it may ____________ __________
to the ______________.
30 And do not ___________
the ________ ______________ of God,
by whom you were ____________
for the day of ____________________.
31 Let all ____________________,
__________, ___________
____________, and ________ speaking
be put ________ from you, with all ____________.
32 And be ________ to one ______________,
_____________________ one another, even as God in Christ ______________ you.