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Mark 10:1-31

Hardness of Heart (Divorce)
Little Children
Rich Young Ruler
Orden de Palabras:
1 Then He arose from there and came to the region of _____
by the other side of the ______.
And __________ gathered to Him again,
and as He was __________,
He ______ them again.
2 The _________ came and asked Him,
"Is it ______ for a man
to _______ his wife?"
_______ Him.
3 And He ________ and said to them,
"What did _____
_______ you?"
4 They said, "Moses _________ a man
to write a __________ of divorce,
and to _______ her."
5 And Jesus answered and said to them, "Because of the ________
of your _____
he wrote you this _______.
6 But from the _________
of the ________,
God 'made them ____ and female.'
7 'For this ______
a man shall _____
his ______ and mother
and be ______ to his wife,
8 and the ___
shall become ___ flesh;
so then they are no longer two, but one _____.
9 Therefore what ___ has
joined ________,
let not man ________."
10 In the _____ His disciples also asked Him
again about the same ______.
11 So He said to them, "Whoever divorces his ____
and _______ another
_______ adultery against her.
12 And if a _____ divorces
her ______ and marries another,
she commits ________."
13 Then they brought little ________ to Him,
that He might _____ them;
but the disciples _______ those who brought them.
14 But when _____ saw it,
He was greatly __________ and said to them,
"Let the _____ children come to Me,
and do not ______ them;
for of such is the ______ of God.
15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not _______ the kingdom of God
as a little child will by no means _____ it."
16 And He took them up in His ____,
laid His _____ on them,
and _______ them.
17 Now as He was going out on the ____,
one came _______,
_____ before Him, and asked Him,
"Good _______, what shall I do
that I may _______ eternal life?"
18 So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me ____? No one is good but one, that is, God.
19 You know the ____________:
'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not ______,'
'Do not ____,'
'Do not bear false _______,'
'Do not _______,'
'_____ your father and your mother.'"
20 And he answered and said to Him, "Teacher, all these things I have kept from my _____."
21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, "One thing you ____:
go your way, ____ whatever you have
and ____
to the ____,
and you will have ________
in ______;
and come, take up the _____, and follow me."
22 But he was ___ at this word,
and went away _________,
for he had great ___________.
23 Then Jesus looked around and said do His _________,
"How ____ it is for those
who have ______ to enter the kingdom of God!"
24 And the disciples were __________ at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them,
"Children, how hard it is for those who _____ in riches to enter the kingdom of God!
25 It is ______
for a _____
to go through the eye of a _____ than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
26 And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, "Who then can be _____?"
27 But Jesus looked at them and said, "With men it is __________, but not with God;
for with God __________ are possible."
28 Then _____ began to say to Him,
"See, we have ____ all and followed You."
29 So Jesus answered and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or ________
or _______ or father or mother
or wife or children or _____,
for My ____ and the gospel's,
30 who shall not receive a ___________ now in this time--
houses and brothers and sisters and _______
and children and lands, with ___________--
and in the ___ to come,
_______ life.
31 But ____ who are first will be last,
and the ____ first.