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CH 10 & 11 Vocabulary Word Search

Orden de Palabras:
19. No hydrochloric acid
16. Drugs used to reduce stomach acidity
3. Drugs used to prevent or stop bacterial infections
17. An infectious disease that damages the teeth
20. Flaring up of symptoms
9. It is an acute febrile disease found mostly in children and causes cervical lymphadenopathy
10. A clear liquid similar to plasma that contains many white cells
4. Symptoms include swelling, pain, and tenderness of the lymph gland or nodes, or both
2. A procedure that can be helpful in diagnosing vessel conditions
5. This inflammation is commonly caused by infection with streptococcal bacteria following trauma
6. An abnormal collection of lymph fluid, usually observed in the extremities
1. White cells created in the lymphatic system
7. The most common type of blood cancer in the United States
12. Dark, tarry stool
8. A viral infection that affects primarily children and young adults
15. An examination of a stool specimen for the presence of adult parasites or their eggs
11. The process that moves food from the pharynx to the stomach
13. An inflammation of the peritoneum
18. Commonly called a sore throat
14. Dirty blood or bacteria in the bloodstream