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Luke 12:35-59

The Faithful Servant and Evil Servant
Christ Brings Division
Make Peace with Your Adversary
Orden de Palabras:
35 “Let your __________
be ____________ and
your __________
36 and you yourselves be like men who ________
for their ____________,
when he will return from the ______________,
that when he comes and ____________ they may open to him immediately.
37 ______________ are those
________________ whom the master,
when he comes, will find ________________.
Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird ______________ and have them sit down to eat and will come and serve them.
38 And if he should come in the ____________ watch,
or come in the __________ watch,
and ________ them so, blessed are those servants.
39 But know this, that if the master of the __________
had known what hour the __________ would come,
he would have ______________
and not ______________ his house
to be ____________ into.
40 Therefore you also be ___________,
for the Son of Man is ___________
at an ________
you do not ____________.”
41 Then __________ said to Him,
do You speak this ______________ only to us,
or to all ____________?”
42 And the Lord said, “Who then is that ________________
and wise ______________,
whom his master will make __________
over his __________________,
to give them their ______________
of food in due ____________?
43 Blessed is that ______________
whom his master will find so __________ when he comes.
44 __________, I say to you
that he will make him __________ over all that he has.
45 But if that servant says in his __________,
“My master is ________________ his coming,’
and ____________ to beat
the ________ and female servants,
and to eat and drink and be __________,
46 the ____________ of that servant will come on a day
when he is not ______________ for him,
and at an hour when he is not __________,
and will cut him in two and ______________ him his portion
with the ______________________.
47 And that ______________ who knew his master’s will,
and did not ______________ himself or do according to his will,
shall be ____________
with many ______________.
48 But he who did not ________,
yet __________________ things
____________________ of stripes, shall be beaten with few.
For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be ________________;
and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ______ the ________.
49 “I came to send ________ on the ___________,
and how I wish it were already ______________!
50 But I have a ______________ to be baptized with,
and how ____________________ I am till it is accomplished!
51 Do you suppose that I came to give __________ on earth?
I tell you, not at all, but rather ________________.
52 For from now on ________ in one house
will be ______________:
___________ against two,
and ______ against three.
53 _____________ will be divided against son
and ______ against father,
____________ against daughter
and ________________ against mother,
___________________________ against her daughter-in-law
and ______________________________ against her mother-in-law.”
54 Then He also said to the ____________________,
“Whenever you see a __________ rising
out of the ________, immediately you say,
‘A ____________ is coming’; and so it is.
55 And when you see the __________ wind
________, you say,
“There will be hot _______________’; and there is.
56 ____________________!
You can ______________
the ________ of the sky
and of the __________,
but how is it you do not discern this ________?
57 “Yes, and why, even of ____________________,
do you not __________
what is __________?
58 When you go with your ___________________
to the ____________________,
make every effort along the way to ______________ with him,
lest he ________ you to the judge,
the judge ______________ you
to the _______________,
and the officer throw you into ____________.
59 I tell you, you shall not ____________ from there
till you have _________
the very last ________.”