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2 Samuel 1

The Report of Saul’s Death 
The Song of the Bow
Orden de Palabras:
1 Now it came to pass after the __________ of ________,
when __________ had ________________
from the __________________
of the ____________________,
and David had stayed ______ ________ in ____________,
2 on the __________ ______, behold,
it happened that a ______ came from Saul’s ________
with his ______________ ________
and ________ on his _________.
So it was, when he ________ to David, that he ________ to the ground
and ____________________ himself.
3 And David said to him, “__________ have you come ________?”
So he said to him, “I have ______________
from the camp of ____________.”
4 Then David said to him, “______ did the ____________ go?
Please ________ me.” And he answered, “The people have ________ from the ____________,
many of the ____________ are ____________ and dead,
and ________ and ________________ his son are dead also.”
5 So David ________ to the __________ man who told him,
“How do you ________ that Saul and Jonathan his son are ________?”
6 Then the young man who ________ him said, “As I happened by ____________
to be on __________ ______________, there was Saul,
______________ on his __________;
and indeed the ________________
and ________________ followed hard after him.
7 Now when he _____________ behind him, he saw me and ____________ to me.
And I ________________, ‘Here I am.’
8 And he said to me, ‘______ a you?’ So I answered him, ‘I am an ____________________.’
9 He said to me again, ‘____________ stand over me and _________ me,
for ______________ has come upon me,
but my ________ still ______________ in me.’
10 So I __________ over him and ____________ him,
because I was ________ that he could ______ ________
after he had ____________. And I took the __________ that was on his head
and the ________________ that was on his ______,
and have _______________ them here to my _________.”
11 Therefore __________ took hold of his ______ clothes
and ________ them, and so did ______ the men who were ________ him.
12 And they ______________ and _________
and ____________ until ______________
for ________ and for _________________ his son,
for the ____________ of the LORD and for the __________ of Israel,
because they had ____________ by the __________.
13 Then __________ said to the young man who told him, “__________ are you from?”
And he answered, “I am the ______ of an __________, an Amalekite.”
14 So David said to him, “______ was it you were not ____________
to put forth your ________ to ______________
the LORD’s ________________?”
15 Then David _____________ one of the young ______ and said,
“Go ________, and _______________ him!”
And he ____________ him so that he ________.
16 So David said to him, “Your __________ is on your own ________,
for your own ___________ has ___________________ against you, saying,
‘I have ____________ the LORD’s _________________.’”
17 Then David __________________
with this __________________________ over Saul and over Jonathan his son,
18 and he told them to __________ the children of ___________
the _________ of the _______;
indeed it is ______________ in the Book of ____________:
19 “The ____________ of Israel is ___________
on your __________ ____________!
How the ______________ have _______________!
20 __________ it not in _________,
____________________ it not in the streets of _________________—
Lest the _____________________
of the ________________________ ________________,
Lest the daughters of the ______________________
21 “O ____________________ of ____________,
Let there be no ______ nor _________ upon you,
Nor _____________ of ____________________.
For the _____________ of the ______________ is ________ away there!
The shield of ________, not _________________ with ______.
22 From the ___________ of the _____________,
From the ______ of the _____________,
The ______ of _________________ did not
________ _______,
And the ___________ of ________
did not _____________ ___________.
23 “Saul and Jonathan were ______________
and _________________ in their lives,
And in their __________ they were not ______________;
They were ______________ than ____________,
They were _______________ than __________.
24 “O daughters of ____________, ________ over Saul,
Who ______________ you in ______________,
with ____________;
Who put ___________________
of ________ on your _______________.
25 “How the _____________ have fallen in the __________ of the battle!
Jonathan was __________ in your ________ _____________.
26 I am _____________________ for you,
my ______________ Jonathan;
You have been ________ ________________ to me;
Your ________ to me was __________________,
______________________ the love of __________.
27 “How the ____________ have ____________,
And the ________________ of ______