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2 Samuel 9

David’s Kindness to Mephibosheth

Orden de Palabras:
1 Now __________ said,
“Is there still _____________
who is ________
of the ___________
of ________,
that I may ________ him
for ___________________ sake?”
2 And there was a _______________ of the house of Saul
whose ________
was ________.
So when they had _____________ him to David, the king said to him, “Are you Ziba?”
He said, “At your ________________!”
3 Then the _________ said,
“Is there not __________
______________ of the house of Saul,
to whom I may show the kindness of ______?”
And Ziba ________ to the king,
“There is still a ______ of Jonathan
who is ________
in his _________.”
4 So the king said to him, “__________ is he?”
And Ziba said to the king, “Indeed he is in the house of ____________
the son of ____________,
in ____ ____________.”
5 Then King David ________
and ______________
him ______
of the ___________ of Machir the son of Ammiel, from Lo Debar.
6 Now when ________________________
the ______
of ________________,
the son of ________,
had ________ to David,
he ________
on his ________
and ____________________ himself. Then David said, “Mephibosheth?”
And he ________________,
“Here is your ______________!”
7 So David said to him, “Do not ________,
for I will surely ________
you ________________
for Jonathan your father’s ________,
and will ______________ to you
all the ________ of Saul
your _____________________;
and you shall eat bread at my ___________
8 Then he __________ himself, and said,
“What is your ______________,
that you should _________ upon such
a ________ dog as I?”
9 And the king _____________
to ________, Saul’s servant, and said to him,
“I have ____________ to your master’s son
___ that
________________ to Saul and to all his house.
10 You therefore, and your ________
and your __________________,
shall ________ the land for him,
and you shall ___________
in the _______________,
that your master’s son may have _________ to eat.
But ________________________
your _________________ son
shall ______
__________ at my table always.”
Now Ziba had ______________ sons
and ____________ servants.
11 Then Ziba said to the king, “__________________ to all
that my lord the king has ___________________ his servant,
so ________ your servant do.”
“As for Mephibosheth,” said the king, “he shall eat at my __________
like one of the king’s ________.”
12 Mephibosheth had a __________
whose name was __________.
And all who __________ in the house of Ziba
were ________________
of __________________________.
13 So Mephibosheth __________
in __________________,
for he ______
at the king’s ____________.
And he was ________
in ________ his feet.